Don't Be a Victim of Home Buying Wire Fraud Home buying wire fraud is a newer trend occurring in the real estate world over the last few years. We are writing this post to help educate our clients about it as best we can. It’s something that … [Read more...]
Buying a Home
Information on buying a condo in the Daytona Beach area. Click the link check out homes for sale in Daytona Beach.
Buying Daytona Beach Homes and Condos – What YOU Need to Know

What Important Steps Are You Missing? Home inventory in the Daytona Beach area is low. When buying Daytona Beach Homes and Condos there are some points to keep in mind. I showed three homes in Port Orange on a recent afternoon. By the time my … [Read more...]
Things You Need to Know About Real Estate Negotiations

Good Real Estate Negotiating Advice Real estate negotiations are about more than price. In a real estate transaction, everything is negotiable. That being said, the other elements to be negotiated will probably affect price. What are some of the … [Read more...]
Daytona Beach Homes – How Are People Paying?
How Are People Paying for Daytona Beach Homes? Sales of Daytona Beach homes have been strong this year. People are buying homes and condos, but how are they paying for their properties. There's an interesting new feature in our local MLS (multiple … [Read more...]
Congress Approves Homebuyer Tax Credit Closing Extension
Senate Extends Homebuyer Tax Credit Closing Date to September 30 Home buyers who can take the homebuyer tax credit, with binding contracts as of April 30th, will have until September 30th to close under the extension passed by the Senate last night … [Read more...]